Event schedule:

Morning foray.

Learn plant ID from the experts! We will walk around the site, identify different plants and give you a crash course on basic botany/mycology.

12:45- 1:45

John Red Beet Row

Sustainable horticulture for spring ephemerals and wild edibles. 

We will talk about how to propagate wild edible plants and spring ephemerals. From sprouting seeds, planting cuttings and dividing rhizomes we will talk about the best ways to multiply our favorite plants of the spring landscape. 

Lodge A


Killian with the genus cardamine

Alison with Plant Spirit Meditation: Welcoming the Ephemeral Energy of Spring!

In this fun, interactive and meditative workshop, we will recalibrate ourselves within the Wheel of the Year, and welcome in the fresh, cleansing, ephemeral energy of spring! 

Session includes relaxing breathwork, guided plant meditation, and peaceful earth connection. 


Lodge B


Rebecca with Ephemerals and Midwifery

Evan with local history.
Explore the history of the greater Cleveland area from the 1400s up until the late 1800s.



Raymond Morris

Morels! Finding the honey hole

Learn how to read landscapes and tree species to locate productive morel spots.


Keynote- Judy Semroc

Spring Connections:  The Vital Relationships of Insects and Spring Flowering Plants & Trees - This program will outline the connections and natural history between early flowering plants & trees and the insects that support these beautiful but short lived blooms. 
