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Ephemralfest is a yearly festival celebrating the hundreds of native plants in Ohio that either bloom during the springtime or whose entire above-ground existence happens before the trees leaf out. This event will provide access to classes, forrays, and a chance to taste spring ephemerals. We will learn about ways to appreciate spring ephemerals including canopy expansion, cultivation, community involvement, and ways in which to collect and consume them. I believe the best way to teach appreciation for plants and mushrooms is to show that they have a purpose beyond being something pretty to look at and have value as an edible, as medicine, and as an integral part of the ecosystem in which we all live. We will come together to meet like-minded individuals, learn about initiatives happening in the area surrounding conservation and native food consumption, share food and music, and build community surrounding wild edible plants and mushrooms. The beauty and impermanence of spring ephemerals teaches us to slow down, appreciate the seasons as they come, and take nothing for granted.

My goal for this event is to provide an avenue of introduction to wild food for people in Northeast Ohio. Spring ephemerals are some of the most intriguing and charismatic plants in our region because if you blink, you’ll miss them! We as a region are becoming more and more interested in the native plants that call Northeast Ohio home which, in the past, have been confined to obscurity. We are collectively beginning to grow natives in our yards, purchasing and consuming them at farmers’ markets and boutique restaurants and protecting the habitat where they grow. I want to encourage and accelerate this trend by being an asset and a catalyst for people to educate themselves about native plants. 

This event is intended to teach appreciation, consumption, and cultivation of all native plants in Northeast Ohio. I hope to facilitate connections among individuals who are interested in native plants and foster a sense of shared community. The event will consist of speakers, vendors, a community meal featuring ephemerals, music, camping, and networking building. This event will be as informal as possible. I love science but always disliked school and I want to create an environment where science is functional, engaging, and fun. This is the place to be if you are a forager, wanting to learn more about wild foods, wanting to learn about growing native plants at home or just seeking to find a community of native plant nerds like yourself. The main focus of the educational component will be education on the correct identification, harvesting, consumption, and propagation of spring ephemerals. I want to inspire people to be confident to harvest these plants and more importantly, to bring them home and grow them there. There will be cooking demos and an opportunity to taste plants if people have not before. We will also discuss invasive species and how they are affecting the quantity and quality of spring ephemerals.

I hope you will join me in making the first Ephemeralfest a success.